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The Geisha narrative embodies both a renaissance and advancement within the realm of fine coffee. It serves as a conduit that harmonizes a rich historical lineage with a vibrant and rapidly evolving future in the world of coffee. This particular tree, along with the exquisite beans it yields, acts as a guiding light toward a coffee landscape that resonates with our collective aspirations. Furthermore, indulging in a cup of Geisha is akin to an epiphany, a sensory euphoria that epitomizes the epitome of excellence in the realm of coffee—an experience that is truly awe-inspiring.

There exists no other coffee that parallels its distinctiveness. The captivating aroma of Geisha coffee is immediately apparent as the water cascades into the cup, revealing sweet floral notes, hints of citrus blossom, jasmine, and delicate honey fragrances. A nuanced yet discernible bergamot-like finish and a palpable though refined acidity are characteristic traits of its esteemed cup profile.

The Finest Geisha Coffee Beans: An Introduction to Specialty Coffee

Ready to dive into the fascinating world of Geisha coffee? In this journey, we will unravel the secrets behind its unique flavor profile, rarity, and value. From its origins in Ethiopia to its cultivation in Panama, we will follow the path of SAVAGE Coffees' green coffee evolution and dive into the sustainable farming practices, harvesting and processing techniques, and roasting methods that make our Geisha coffee a prized gem in the coffee industry.

Short Summary

  • Discover the unique origins and flavors behind Geisha Coffee, one of the best coffees in the world.
  • Take a journey through harvesting, processing & roasting green Geisha coffee beans.
  • Learn about sustainable practices that benefit producers, local communities, our environment, and your tastebuds.

The Specialty Coffee Association recognizes Geisha coffee as a high-quality gourmet coffee, and it’s not just because of its rarity. It boasts a unique flavor profile that sets it apart from other specialty coffees, with intense flavor, notes, and a delightful floral and fruity essence that consistently earn scores of 90 or higher.

Geisha coffee is considered one of the most valuable coffee varieties in the world. With its distinctive taste and aroma, this specialty coffee has captured the hearts of coffee lovers and connoisseurs worldwide. Grown at high altitudes in the western highlands of Panama’s Chiriqui province, Panama Geisha coffee beans are rare and highly sought-after, commanding premium prices in the global market.

Discovering Geisha Coffee

Origins and History

The story unfolds in Ethiopia, the birthplace of Arabica, where the species thrives in its untamed wilderness. In 1931, a team of esteemed botanists embarked on an expedition to the lush forests of Southwestern Ethiopia, then known as Abyssinia, to procure coffee seeds from an area locally referred to as "Geisha." These precious seeds were carefully transported to Kenya, where they found a new home in a nurturing nursery. After five years of dedicated cultivation, the trees bore fruit, and from this bountiful harvest, the healthiest and most vibrant selections were meticulously chosen for their Roya-resistant nature, a devastating mold that afflicts the underside of the tree's leaves. These exceptional specimens were then transported to gardens in Uganda and Tanzania, expanding their reach. Fast forward nearly two decades to 1953, when a handful of Geisha seeds from the Tanzanian garden found their way to Costa Rica, enriching the esteemed collection of varietals at CATIE, the renowned agricultural research center.

In 1963, a farmer named Pachi Serracin introduced a batch of these seeds to Panama, carefully planting them in the nutrient-rich volcanic soil of Boquete's high altitudes. Initially regarded as a mere curiosity, an experimental endeavor, these seeds were eventually neglected due to Geisha's low yields, fragile foliar character, shallow root system, and generally temperamental nature. Gradually fading into obscurity, Geisha became overshadowed by the robust presence of Caturra and other higher-yielding varietals widely cultivated in Latin countries.

However, in the year 2003, a remarkable shift occurred. Daniel Peterson, a distinguished member of the Esmeralda Estate, observed a particular cluster of trees that stood out amongst the rest. Up until that point, these trees were typically harvested alongside other coffees and blended into various batches. Yet, upon harvesting this coffee separately and subjecting it to meticulous taste testing in his laboratory, Daniel and his family discerned a truly remarkable distinction. The flavor profile of this coffee was unlike anything they had ever produced before. Driven by curiosity, they decided to submit this feral coffee to the prestigious Best of Panama competition, eager to witness the outcome. Uncertain of how it would be received, they were prepared for any possibility, whether adored or dismissed as an anomaly that greatly deviated from Panamanian coffees' then-prevailing "profile".

Among the esteemed panel of judges, there emerged one coffee that left them simultaneously enchanted and perplexed. Its captivating aroma permeated the room, evoking notes of exquisite jasmine, lemongrass, delicate coffee blossom, sweet lime, and luscious white peach. The competition was effectively over before it began. This coffee had enveloped every member of the jury, and from the very first round, it became abundantly clear that it would reign victorious by a significant margin. A series of subsequent triumphs followed, solidifying the Geisha variety as more than a mere fleeting sensation. With only a few exceptions, this extraordinary Panama Geisha coffee has emerged triumphant in every competition it has entered for nearly a decade. Even to this day, the Geisha stands alone, unrivaled, as the undisputed champion varietal in the illustrious landscape of Latin American coffee.

Geisha Coffee's Unique Flavor Profile

Geisha coffee is renowned for its impeccably clean and floral flavor profile, complemented by precisely balanced acidity. This extraordinary Arabica variety distinguishes itself, depending on the farm's terroir, with delightful hints of mango and mandarin, peach, nectarine, and pomegranate, setting it vastly apart from its counterparts. With just a single cup, coffee enthusiasts can embark on a symphony of flavors, including the subtle nuances of peach, the tanginess of raspberry, the citrusy zest of bergamot, and the captivating essence of jasmine. Flavors that harmonize effortlessly, accompanied by a natural sweetness that is unparalleled in other coffees.

At its best, Geisha coffee produces an elegant and delicate tactile that is both incredibly smooth and gentle on the palate. Its unparalleled aromatics grace the air, captivating any who come in contact with it, filling them with an unrivaled sense of delight. Upon tasting this exquisite beverage, one can experience a genuinely transcendent sensory experience that lifts the soul and leaves one with a profound sense of joy. Geisha coffee is worthy of its impeccable reputation, providing an unforgettable cup that has been known to redefine the concept of excellence in specialty coffee.

SAVAGE Coffees takes this experience further with Single-Origin, Single Estate, and Micro-Lot batches that provide added depth and complexity to the Geisha coffee experience. It's a must-try for those seeking to explore the world of specialty and fine coffees, expanding their coffee palate.

Rarity and Value

The rarity and value of Geisha coffee can be attributed to its meticulous cultivation conditions, lengthy maturation process, and soaring demand. Its remarkable flavor profile, featuring highly coveted flavor notes, has established it as a highly sought-after gem within the world of coffee.

At SAVAGE Coffees, our dedicated team tirelessly devotes 14, 16, or even 18-hour days on our farms, painstakingly bringing forth our uniquely processed coffees that truly come to life.

Panama Geisha coffee commands staggering prices of over US$1,800/kg (US$800 per pound), a testament to its esteemed status as a premium, top-tier coffee universally acknowledged by the Specialty Coffee Association.

Seamless Sustainability

Sustainability is a critical factor in the production process, from the farms and nurseries up to the roasting and delivery of our coffee. Geisha cultivation is a profoundly intricate practice that requires three-to-four, four-to-six-year maturation processes as well as specialized care during the harvesting season. SAVAGE Coffees follows strict quality control measures to ensure that every single bean meets our exacting standards, applying everything from state-of-the-art machinery, efficient water usage methods, and close collaboration with local Panamanian farmers to ensure that our customers receive only the finest coffees.

The Journey of Green Geisha Coffee Beans

To truly appreciate the exquisite flavor of Geisha coffee, it’s helpful to understand the journey of green coffee beans from their origin on SAVAGE's farms and estates to the final cup of brewed coffee. This journey involves meticulous harvesting techniques, innovative processing methods like carbonic maceration, and the pursuit of roasting excellence using state-of-the-art roasting machines.

Let us delve into each stage of this remarkable journey and unveil the hidden intricacies behind the captivating flavor of Geisha coffee.

SAVAGE Farms and Estates

SAVAGE Coffees', take tremendous pride in being able to trace each and every single green bean back to its origin on one of our farms or estates located throughout the highlands of Panama. Here, the beans are grown with utmost care and attention to detail by farmers who have dedicated their lives to producing some of the most exceptional coffees in the world while respecting their ecology or terroir. Our founder Jamison works closely with our team to ensure that the entire production process is handled with an unwavering commitment to premium quality and sustainability.

Our Single-Estate Farms and Estates include:

  • Finca Deborah
  • Morgan Estate
  • Iris Estate
  • Don Eduardo Estate

SAVAGE's Geisha coffee production is built on a foundation of trust, innovation, and a sustainable, ethical ethos. Farmers and estates diligently prioritize the well-being of their workers, the environment, and the local communities. This unwavering commitment ensures that the production of this extraordinary coffee leaves a resoundingly positive impact on all those involved. In a time when the demand for specialty coffee is rapidly growing, these meticulously implemented practices play an instrumental role in upholding the unrivaled quality and unwavering integrity of SAVAGE Coffees.


SAVAGE Coffees Production

Our founder, Jamison Savage, is a global leader and innovator in the realm of coffee production and processing. His pioneering spirit ignited a revolution in processing techniques. In 2016, he became the first to successfully implement the intricate process of Carbonic Maceration with his coffees. Since then, Jamison has continued to push the boundaries of anaerobic fermentation and alternative processing, embarking on annual experiments to craft new masterpieces that captivate the taste buds of coffee connoisseurs worldwide.

Harvesting Geisha Coffee

When the cherries have reached their peak maturity, they are carefully harvested by hand under strictly controlled conditions. This allows for proper ripeness assessment of every single cherry in order to guarantee a superior flavor profile.


The distinct flavor of SAVAGE Geisha coffee emanates from the careful harvesting process. During this time, ripe cherries are delicately hand-selected and then separated from immature beans. It is a delicate operation that requires patience, precision, and skill in order to avoid overripening or underripe berries. It is a labor of love that requires an exact process, and this attention to detail during the harvesting stage ensures a genuinely exquisite cup of coffee that showcases these unique flavors and aromas.

The Geisha cherries are then processed incorporating a myriad of innovative methods designed by Jamison, including Classic Washed and Natural processing, several anaerobic fermentations such as Carbonic and Nitrogen Maceration, Yeast and Koji Inoculations, and Extended Chilled processes. Each method is carefully selected to bring out the unique flavor characteristics that make SAVAGE's Geisha coffees world-renowned.

Advanced Processing of Geisha Coffee

Anaerobic and Carbonic Maceration

The Carbonic Maceration process has been used in the wine industry for several decades. Yet, the application of this process in coffee is only a few years old. In 2016, Jamison was the first in the world to successfully implement the Carbonic Maceration process with Geisha on a commercial scale. Over the last seven years, he has employed several techniques using CM and gained a reputation as an industry leader in Carbonic Maceration and advanced, alternatively processed coffee.

Carbonic maceration is a technical, unique processing method that creates an intensely sweet, aromatic, more complex cup with unmatched clarity. Jamison has perfected this processing technique to refine his coffees, elevating the delicate nuances that would otherwise not be expressed.

The coffee cherries are put into hermetically sealed tanks and then flushed with carbon dioxide gas to remove any residual oxygen, thus the name anaerobic, meaning without oxygen. This process allows Jamison to regulate the level and duration of fermentation, whereby he can determine critical outcomes resulting in targeted flavor, tactile, and aromatic attributes. During this time, essential variables, such as core temperature and PH levels, are continuously monitored throughout the process.

Classic Natural Fermentation

Classic Natural fermentation is a common processing technique. Here the cherries are placed on a raised, three-tiered African drying bed system designed by Jamison. The cherries start on the upper level and make their way to the lowest level during their dry cycle. Most of their time is spent in a shaded environment where the cherries spend 25+ days slowly drying in parabolic dry houses warmed by the intense Panamanian sun. The cherries are meticulously agitated every hour to ensure an even drying pattern as well as to eliminate any opportunity for a mold bloom.


yet another innovative processing technique that yields a creamy, fruity cup with hints of chocolate. Here, the cherries are left to ferment in water over an extended period of time (2-5 days). During this time, enzymes inside the cherries break down the sugars and other compounds, creating a unique flavor profile.

Classic Washed Processing

Cherries are quickly brought to the milling station, where the fruit and shell of the cherry are removed using the latest, low-water consumption equipment. After milling, the coffee is brought to the dry-house, where it is shade-dried for12+ days. SAVAGE Coffees shade-dries its washed coffees as it permits the coffee to slowly release its moisture content without cracking and unwanted moisture during the evening. Careful monitoring of temperature, airflow, and humidity is critical to quality. This method involves the cherries being processed in tanks with water and then dried on raised beds. This produces a vibrant, clean cup with sparkling acidity and distinctive sweet notes.

Yeast and Koji Inoculation

SAVAGE Coffees also experiments with inoculation to enhance the inherent qualities of our coffees. These natural organisms help develop specific interesting profiles without disturbing the natural qualities of our coffees. We never add artificial flavors or flavor enhancers to our coffees; we simply allow nature to work its magic in creative ways.

Roasting Geisha Coffee Beans

At SAVAGE Coffees, we take great care to select the ideal roast profile for each bean and carefully calibrate our equipment to ensure that each batch of coffee is roasted with precision and consistency. Our commitment to excellence guarantees that you will experience a perfectly roasted, balanced cup of coffee in every sip.

The roasting process is crucial in bringing out the delicate floral and fruity flavors of Geisha coffee beans. Roasting techniques can significantly impact the coffee's body, acidity, and sweetness, making it essential to find the perfect balance in a roast profile that enhances Geisha’s unique flavors and aromas.

Each roast brings out different flavors and aromas in SAVAGE Geisha Coffees, allowing coffee lovers to experience the diverse notes of each coffee.

  • Light roasts emphasize the nuances of floral and fruity notes of Geisha, in particular. We believe a lighter roast is the best way to appreciate fine coffee and does not quell the delicate attributes which are so uncommon in our work.
  • Medium roasts offer a balanced flavor profile while embracing the elegance of fine coffee. Traditional coffees such as Caturra, Bouron, and Cauai usually fall within this category of roast profile.
  • Dark roasts highlight the more intense and chocolatey flavors that are common in espresso profiles. This profile focuses on body and tactile, bringing out more developed qualities of the coffee.

We believe that roasting is a craft and one of the most critical steps in the journey to a perfect cup of coffee. Our team carefully monitors each batch to ensure that each coffee reaches their balanced optimal potential without being either over-roasted or underdeveloped. The result is a cup of coffee that will delight your senses and palate.

Brewing and Enjoying Geisha Coffee

Now that we’ve explored the journey of Geisha coffee beans from farm to cup, it’s time to learn how to brew and enjoy this delightful coffee. From recommended brewing methods to ideal coffee pairings, let’s uncover the secrets to savoring the unique flavors and aromas of fine coffee.

Recommended Brewing Methods

Brewing coffee, particularly Geisha coffee, is a memorable experience. Its unique flavor profile can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, depending on the brewing technique used. At SAVAGE Coffees, we have developed specific recipes for drip, pour-over, French press, cold brew, and espresso that are sure to highlight the aromas and complex flavors of Geisha coffee.

The pour-over method is often considered the best way to brew Geisha coffee, as it allows for greater control over the brewing process, resulting in a balanced and flavorful cup.

No matter which method you choose, it is important to use freshly ground beans and filtered water for the best results. Once you have found the perfect balance between grind size, temperature, and brew time, you will be able to fully experience the exquisite flavor of Geisha coffee.

Each brewing method brings out different aspects of Geisha coffee’s unique flavor profile, so experimenting with various techniques can lead to a greater appreciation of this specialty coffee. The key is to find the brewing method that best highlights the delicate floral and fruity notes of Geisha coffee, ensuring a memorable and satisfying coffee experience.

Coffee Pairings

While Geisha coffee is a delight on its own, pairing it with complementary foods and flavors can enhance its unique characteristics. Fruits, nuts, and spices make for excellent pairings with Geisha coffee, as they complement its natural sweetness and fruity notes.

Additionally, Geisha coffee pairs well with desserts and pastries featuring floral and fruity flavors and chocolate or cheese for a unique and indulgent experience.

The Impact of Specialty Coffees on the Coffee Industry

The growing popularity of specialty coffees, like Geisha, has significantly impacted the coffee industry. Some of the changes brought about by the specialty coffee movement include:

  • The growth in specialty coffee shops
  • The adoption of sustainable and ethical practices
  • The emphasis on single-origin, single-estate, and traceable coffee beans
  • Intense focus on quality and flavor profiles
  • The rise of coffee competitions and baristas, brewer, and coffee in good spirits championships

These changes have transformed the way we consume and appreciate coffee.

The specialty coffee industry has seen an increase in the number of coffee shops, roasters, and coffee trade journal publications, reflecting the growing interest in this niche market of specialty coffee beans.

Moreover, the growing demand for specialty coffee has pushed roasters to embrace more sustainable and ethical practices, both on the production side, with an emphasis on ecology as well as quality-driven models. This also includes sourcing beans from quality farms that follow responsible farming methods and providing financial incentives to farmers for their efforts.

Finally, the focus on flavor profiles has resulted in an increase in single-origin and traceable coffees, as well as a heightened emphasis on proper brewing techniques that bring out the unique qualities of each coffee bean.

The specialty coffee movement has brought about a significant transformation in the industry, and its impact can be seen all over the world. Geisha coffee is a testament to this shift, providing coffee lovers everywhere an opportunity to experience some of the best flavors and aromas in the world of coffee.

Sustainable and Ethical Practices in Specialty Coffees

The specialty coffee industry has also encouraged the adoption of sustainable and ethical practices, ensuring a positive impact on the environment, local communities, and coffee producers. Low-impact farming, direct trade, transparent and ethical sourcing practices, and an emphasis on transparency, traceability, and ethical practices are all part of the exciting evolution of the specialty coffee movement.

Producers of specialty coffees are committed to sustainability, growing their businesses responsibly, throughout the cycle of coffee production, from farming to roasting. These practices include:

  • Using organic and environmentally friendly farming methods
  • Supporting fair trade and ensuring fair wages for coffee farmers
  • Implementing water conservation and waste reduction measures
  • Investing in renewable energy sources for coffee processing
  • Promoting biodiversity and protecting natural habitats

These practices contribute to the unique flavor and quality of specialty coffees and help create a more sustainable and ethical coffee industry that benefits everyone involved.


In conclusion, Geisha coffee is a unique and valuable specialty coffee that has captured coffee enthusiasts' hearts and taste buds worldwide. Its fascinating journey from Ethiopia to Panama, meticulous cultivation and processing techniques, and exquisite flavor profile make it a prized gem in the coffee industry. The growing popularity of specialty coffees like Geisha has also significantly impacted the coffee industry, promoting the growth of specialty coffee shops and the adoption of sustainable and ethical practices. So, the next time you enjoy a cup of Geisha coffee, take a moment to appreciate the incredible journey it has taken to reach your cup and savor the extraordinary flavors that make it a truly exceptional coffee experience.