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Finca Deborah | Terroir

Sale price$40.00 USD

The consummate expression of a Panamanian, classic-washed Geisha. Named Terroir after its extraordinary conveyance of the place in which it is grown. Elegantly bright, beautifully transparent, and delivering what one would expect from a world championship winning coffee.

Weight ~ 200g (7oz)
Producer ~ Finca Deborah 
Process ~ Washed 
Variety ~ Geisha 
Region ~ Chiriqui, Panama 
Terroir ~ Rainforest, Shade-grown,  1900+ MASL, Volcanic Soil 
Flavor Notes ~ Balanced & Transparent - Notes of Bergamot, Jasmine, Peach, Black Tea

Finca Deborah | Terroir
Finca Deborah | Terroir Sale price$40.00 USD


Water makes up to 99% of brewed coffee. It’s important to use only fresh, filtered, and soft water to fully extract flavors & keep your equipment reliable for years.

  • Total Dissolved Solids: 70-120 ppm, pH = 7.0
  • General hardness level <4°dH
  • Brewing temperature: 94-96°C / 201.2-204.8°F
  • Use filtered or low mineral-content spring water

Drip brewing

Always rinse the paper filter in your brewer with hot water prior to extracting SAVAGE coffees.

Dose: 60-65 g of coffee per 1 liter of water
Ratio: 1:15 coffee-to-water
Extraction Time:
• Pour Over: 2:45 – 3:45 min.
• Batch Brewer: 3:30 – 4:30 min.

Espresso Brewing

Always flush the group head before extraction.

Grind: Fine | Dose: 19-21 g | Yield: 50-55 g | Time: 24-27 s

Tip: We recommend using precision baskets & shower screens for optimal extraction.

Finca Deborah | Terroir

Our Process

Finca Deborah Terroir is the consummate representation of Panamanian washed Geisha coffee. This coffee was named Terroir because of its exquisite reflection of where the coffee was grown and processed. It reeks of it’s terroir and variety while elegantly delivering the message of cleanliness, symmetry, layered complexity, sweetness, and sparkling acidity.
Terroir starts with a meticulous harvesting practice where only the ripest, intact, cherries are harvested with a BRIX reading over 21. These Geisha cherries are quickly brought to the milling station where the fruit is removed using the latest technolog in low-water consumption equipment. After milling, the coffee is brought to the dry-house. Here the coffee is shade-dried for more than 10 days.
Terroir is a shade-dried coffee. We shade-dry this coffee as it permits the coffee to slowly release it’s moisture content without cracking the parchment or shell of the coffee thus giving the coffee protection from heat and unwanted moisture during the evening. Inside the dry-houses, careful monitoring of temperature, airflow, and humidity is critical for optimal results.
After the coffees have been dried to 10.5-11% humidity it is placed in grain-pro bags and stored in bodega for up to 90 days. This “reposo” or rest gives the coffee the opportunity to equalize the humidity inside the grain and stabilize all while the coffee continues to absorb the layered complexities found within the parchment.
After reposo the coffees are then hulled, selected for density, size, shape, and color. Finally, the coffee is lightly vacuum packed and boxed for export to our global clients.