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Iridescence | Geisha

Sale price$28.00 USD


Washed Carbonic Macerated Geisha; crisp, clean, and impeccably transparent. White floral aromatics, a brilliant acidity, and enduring an aftertaste are hallmarks of IRIDESCENCE. Jamison induces these vibrant attributes through the Carbonic Maceration process, a process he’s perfected through years of experimentation.

Weight ~ 200g (7oz)
Producer ~ Jamison Savage
Process ~ Washed 
Variety ~ Geisha 
Region ~ Chiriqui, Panama 
Terroir ~ Rainforest, Shade-grown,  1900+ MASL, Volcanic Soil 
Flavor Notes ~ Balanced & well-bodied – notes of Coffee Flower, Lychee, Tangerine, Cane Sugar

Iridescence | Geisha
Iridescence | Geisha Sale price$28.00 USD


Water makes up to 99% of brewed coffee. It’s important to use only fresh, filtered, and soft water to fully extract flavors & keep your equipment reliable for years.

  • Total Dissolved Solids: 70-120 ppm, pH = 7.0
  • General hardness level <4°dH
  • Brewing temperature: 94-96°C / 201.2-204.8°F
  • Use filtered or low mineral-content spring water

Drip brewing

Always rinse the paper filter in your brewer with hot water prior to extracting SAVAGE coffees.

Dose: 60-65 g of coffee per 1 liter of water
Ratio: 1:15 coffee-to-water
Extraction Time:
• Pour Over: 2:45 – 3:45 min.
• Batch Brewer: 3:30 – 4:30 min.

Espresso Brewing

Always flush the group head before extraction.

Grind: Fine | Dose: 19-21 g | Yield: 50-55 g | Time: 24-27 s

Tip: We recommend using precision baskets & shower screens for optimal extraction.

Iridescence | Geisha

Our Process

The Carbonic Maceration process has been used in the wine industry for several decades. Yet, the application of this process in coffee is only a few years old. In 2015, Jamison was one of the first in the world to start working with the CM process with coffee. Over the last 3 years he has employed several different techniques using CM and has gained a reputation as an industry leader in Carbonic Maceration coffee processing.
Jamison's coffees have won numerous titles in Barista and Brewer's Cup competitions, both national and international. In 2017, Deborah Washed Carbonic Maceration Geisha placed 2nd in the World Brewer's Cup and 5th in the World Barista Championship.
The process starts with harvesting perfectly ripe Geisha cherries reading 22-24 on BRIX. The cherries are then carefully selected for a second time before processing. After selection the cherries are pulped, leaving a certain percentage of fruit on the grain. It is then tanked for an extended period with constant monitoring and cataloging of PH, temperature, and CO2 levels. Ambient temperatures are monitored and controlled to ensure linearity in the processing.
After the required time inside the CO2 infused tanks, coffee is then removed, then placed on shaded, raised, African beds where the coffees are agitated every 30 minutes and carefully monitored to ensure even drying. Direct sunlight is avoided as the intense UV and heat can cause cracking in parchment. Temperatures are controlled inside the dryhouses and are not permitted to exceed certain levels as excessive heat can rupture the cell walls of the coffee. This causes oils to escape into the corpus of the grain and shelf-life of the coffee to dramatically shorten.
After the coffee is dried to 10.5-11% it is bagged in grain-pro and stored in Bodega for 60-90 days where temperatures are cool and stable. This seasoning process is critical to quality control. Reposo/rest provides the coffee an opportunity to settle and equalize its moisture content as well as absorb more flavor from it's shell or parchment. After the requisite rest coffee is machine milled, sorted by size and density, then hand selected for optimal quality assurance.
Finally, after these precise steps, the coffee is lightly vacuum packed and boxed for export to our international clients.